My understanding of teaching future students, as well as applying copyrights and fair use, cyber safety, nettiquete, and cyber bullying awareness in my own life has become more prominent. After viewing the provided materials, I realized there is so much to consider while using technology now and in the future.
I believe that incorporating clips, essays, and multimedia should be allowed to provide students with the education and highest opportunities available. Although, I do believe it is necessary to have some guidelines in place. I found David Hall's guidelines to abiding to the Copyright Act of 1976 helpful. I gained the following overview for inserting other's copyrighted material:
1. Ask yourself if the copy-written material will be widely dispersed, or remain in an environment dedicated to education.
2. Ask yourself if the material is being copied or altered to express a different opinion than the author/producer had previously laid out with the material.
3. Ask yourself if the information is available for purchase for educational use.
The quick reference available in David Hall's essay, The Educators' Lean and Mean No FAT Guide to Fair Use, proved to be helpful due to the vast sources of technology and multimedia copyright concerns there are today.
I find it important for cyber safety to be expressed by adults in all areas of a students life at a young age. With the vast means offered to educators such as; presentations, promotional items, and various classroom materials specific to instructing students on cyber safety; there is no reason this should not be done. I do believe that parents should play a role in this as well, however, instructors have an obligation to do the same, especially when the use of technology is expected in nearly all classes at some point.
With cyber safety comes what is called nettiquete, which is like the 'golden rule' of the online world, "Treat others how you want to be treated". Teaching students what is expected and allowed while using online forums, sites, and during email compositions is important. Respecting others while online, produces respect in return and a smoother running internet community.
I believe that when the lack of respect is shown, cyber bullying may occur. With the constant use of students on the computer and the endless hours spent online, chances are everyone has been the victim or culprit of doing some act of cyber bullying. This needs to be addressed as an action that is not tolerated, nor should be kept secret and through educating students can be.
Overall, with all of the new age growing technologies offered, it is important to be teaching those utilizing it to understand the responsibilities linked to it.
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